Monday, April 8, 2013

Head First, Fearless.

There's no better way to jump into a blog then with a good story, but I'm hesitant about posting this because it's so personal to me. I couldn't shake the feeling I had last night telling me how important it was to share this so here is goes.

During the summer of 2012 my parents were in the middle of a divorce. They're working things out right now, but at that moment in my life it was defined by my parent's fighting. I had a concussion at the time (that's a whole other story!) and I was kicked out of my house living with my Mom.

Long story short, I was sitting on the side of the road alone, hungry, confused. I had no where to go and nobody to run to. I hadn't eaten anything in a full day. The only means of contact I had with anyone was on an outdated flip phone I had no idea how to work and was hanging on a 20% battery.

Life was looking pretty hopeless. I couldn't wrap my mind around the idea that this was really my life, this was really happening to me. Im a good kid. I have good grades, I am active in my church, I have great friends and I was sitting on the side of a street bawling my eyes out with no where to go.

I remember praying. I didn't even know what to say I just said "God, please take this pain from me. Please clear my mind and help me understand. Help me help myself because I don't know what to do. Give me a familiar face, please" I pleaded. I prayed out loud and I remember feeling the Holy Ghost wrap around me. It was one of the most powerful spiritual experiences I have ever had, I was so comforted. I prayed that I could feel loved and just be helped. Whatever God's plan for me was, for it to come forth and His will be done. The second I opened my eyes I couldn't fully see through the layer of tears but I remember the familiar car pulling up beside me on the side of the road.

My friend Joseph rolled down the window and asked me why I was sitting on the side of the road. When he saw me crying he didn't ask anymore and just helped me into his car and took me back to his house. I can't explain the miracle of his timing. God sent him to me to comfort me and answer my prayers. When I got back to Joseph's house he gave me medicine for my headaches. He asked me if I needed anything to eat and then served me up a bowl of pineapple. He didn't know this was my first meal in a day. He hugged me lots and didn't ask questions. He took my phone and plugged it into a charger that used to work for his old phone. We went to his basement and he put my favorite movie on and just sat and watched it with me. I felt like it was the first time I was able to relax in a week. I felt safe. I knew that everything has going to be ok. He let me sleep, and when I woke up still didn't ask questions he just constantly provided for me.

I write this and feel so humbled. Im embarrassed. Im grateful. I know God answered my prayers with Joseph and I know Joseph was worthy enough for God to work through him. He showed the ultimate service to me. I know that through the Atonement Christ suffered for me and took my pain away. He filled me with peace and contentment.

Joseph's dad gave me a blessing. It was the most comforting Father's blessing I have ever received. He's not my Father, but the peace He gave me was unexplainable. There isn't a day that passes that I don't think of his blessing. It propels me and keeps me moving forward when things get hard. When the blessing was over he bent down behind me and wrapped his strong Fatherly arms around me. I didn't want him to let go because I hadn't received a hug from my own dad in at least a year. It was relieving to be in his arms I every time he hugs me I can remember the safety and security I felt.

Just like his blessing to me promised, things settles down and I was welcome back into my home. Things got worse before they got better, but they got better. My testimony grew along with my relationship with God, my Eternal Father, and Christ, His son and my Lord and King. I am so grateful for that day. As awful and wonderful as it was I reflect on it in bittersweet memory and it remains in one of the closest and most sacred places of my heart.

I am a child of God and he hears my prayers and loves me. He only gives me trials he knows I can over come and become stronger in. I am so blessed that He trusted me with such a difficult trial. I am eternally grateful to Joseph and his whole family who continue to love me and treat me as family today. I thank his Mom for the comforting words of advice she gave me, Im thankful to his Dad for giving me a blessing, I thankful to his parents for teaching their son how to serve and having such an amazing home where the Holy Ghost constantly dwells. And I am eternally grateful to Joseph for the lessons of service he has taught me. He's one of the people who can never give enough. Im thankful for all he has done for me and the service he still gives.

I know God lives and loves me.
I say these things in the name of Christ my Savior, Amen.

All my love, Lauren.

1 comment:

  1. Lauren. I didnt know this about you but it just makes you so much better. Im sorry for ur trials but im.glad you over came them. Love you girly. Stay strong. By the waay ill always be here for you!
