Sunday, April 21, 2013


I have been so awful with updating, I wish I had enough time to write everyday but I also wish I didn't have to wear a bra. Some things in life just aren't fair!
Because I have been so awful with updating and I have nothing in particular to rant about, I will just flood you all with pictures and the random thoughts that perplex my mind.
I'm gushing at the thought that some people might actually care about reading my blog
So here goes nothing!
College. For as long as I can remember I have always wanted to go to BYUI. Don't know why the topic of college bothers me so much if I love BYUI and want to go there so badly? It's where I have pictured myself forever, I love the weather and location, want to get married fresh out of high school, its inexpensive and perfect. So why do I think about that decision so much? Well probably because it will dictate my life and who I do end up marrying. Hmm. I'm stumped. Don't know what it is about me that makes me so obsessive compulsive about the future because I'm always so worried about it, must just be something programed in me. There's nothing wrong with being prepared?
Kissing. It should be short and sweet and personal. PERSONAL. So you shouldn't talk about it like the weather. That's all I'm going to say.
"And you stood there in front of me just close enough to touch. Close enough to hope you couldn't see what I was thinking of" -Taylor Swift
"Never knew I could feel like this
Like I've never seen the sky before
Want to vanish inside your kiss
Every day I love you more and more
Listen to my heart, can you hear it sing?
Telling me to give you everything
Seasons may change, winter to spring
But I love you until the end of time"
-Come What May, Moulin Rouge
This song has been stuck in my head all week
Pimples. Gosh I hate them. They're like your crazy ex, always showing up at the worst time and ruining everything. UGGH.
Junk food. We have a love/hate relationship, shamefully its mostly a love relationship. I either find myself eating reeeallllyyy reaaally healthy or crap. Just me? And as soon as I have a really good healthy food streak going on I wind up eating an ice cream cone or two
I'm weak for soft serve
Or a big bag of BBQ Pop chips, oh my those are heavenly. I don't think my eating habits are normal. I should probably work on that.
Technology. Are we plugging in or tuning out? Seriously, technology can be so helpful sometimes! I constantly use it for looking up recipes, its a study tool, great way to keep up with friends,       *cough, cough* blog. -but are we using it for good as much as we use it for bad? How many times in the day could you be doing something better with your time but you just sit and idol on your phone checking your fave social media outlet or playing back in a word game? Think about it. Probably more then you should, huh? Because I know I do! I have a gal friend who gave up her phone for a week, willingly. Yes... WILLINGLY. The will power of this girl, sheesh. I should take more notes. But really, she just ranted and raved to me about how much more peace she felt and how much more productive she ways. Yes she missed her Instagram and Pinterest for the first two days but after that didn't even miss it! Now that she has her phone again she still checks them, but its not an urgent compulsive check for updates. This got me thinking. Technology is GREAT, but not a necessity to live. So here I am promising to spend less time idling on my phone and maybe more time cleaning my room :)
I'm sure that would make my Mom very, very happy.
That's about it for the thoughts category, now here are a few photos that summed up my week!
Ahh, having a cat means you are never alone
The joys of babysitting:) I love this cute boy and love when he snuggles up in my arms!

I mentioned early I had a love for soft serve ice cream... I was proud of my perfect "swirly" on the top

This is my sweet friend Maddie :) She's gorgeous and has AMAZING hair. This is right before we went to a regional dance she let me do her hair! I was quite proud of my work ;)

And these are my four great friends in school. I typically don't do dress up spirit days but today was the exception. Happy Workout-Wednesday everyone!
Well, that pretty much sums this one up. I know it was all pretty aimless and random but I always feel a lot better when I can vent and write out everything that has been on my mind.
I hope you aren't too disturbed
All my love, Lauren.

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