I know, I know, this post is sooooo over due.
But, life is busy, and that's a good thing.
Anyways, I am a Junior now!
As lame as it sounds, I really do feel a ton older.
Although I am as positive as positive can be I want to go to BYUI filling out all the college recruit letters is really fun haha!
Makes me feel official ;)
The first 2 weeks of school were crazzzzzyyy.
It never fails, I always get "those" teachers.
The unorganized ones who are mean and scary that everyone in the school avoids at all possible costs.
Yup. Without fail, I always get um.
Buuuuuut, I got a couple *cough* 5 *cough* schedule changes and not things are looking pretty good.
I'm happy with it.
And the really great thing is now that all my friends are driving we go every Friday to get food after school
Haha. We call it Food Friday. I'm so clever.
So there's that. This year really is going to be a bundle of fun:)
And........ Joseph hit his 1 month mark!
Here's a pre mish picture to commemorate.
But mostly because I am sad and miss my bestfriend and look at old photos way too much.
This one is sooooo awkward haha I love it
Today in church they had the Laurels teach and the topic was virtue.
You know when you feel like you know what you want to say but then you get all emotional and flustered and it comes out all wrong?
Yea, hi. You are my people.
Trust me, I even had it all written down but between my messy hand writing and teary blurred vision I lost it all.
But, I've been periodically sobbing all day and think I have finally got my thoughts together,
hopefully I will get this out a little better.
And if not, well, I'll just delete it ;)
Ok. Virtue.
By definition it means behavior showing high moral standards.
But broken down and with lots of thought it means sooooo much more.
I feel like it's a constant topic in Young Women's class of you have to be prepared for your future husband which yayaya is great but honestly I am soooo sick of hearing.
Literally every time it is brought up I cringe a little, especially with the topic of virtue.
Maybe that's why I got flustered, because this lesson I prepared on virtue got tuned into a "Ladies, you have to be virtuous so you can find a virtuous guy" Then I look around and see all the mortified Beehive's faces.
To me, virtue is the ultimate quality of Christ.
Yes, you need to marry someone good. It is one of the (if not the) most important decisions in this Earthly life.
But so many people never get married, or like my Mom, you marry a good guy and he goes astray.
I could probably ask any woman, "Do you love your husband?" ... yes
"Is he the most perfect love for you?" .... yes
"When you married him did all the world become perfect, did every temptation go away, was there no more trial or suffering ever because you married the man of your dreams?" ...
You could marry the prophet and still have struggles!
Look at Lehi and Sariah, he was the prophet! And did she still murmur? Yes.
Struggles and trials do not just go away because you are married to a great man.
This is where virtue comes in.
The MOST important relationship in your life should be the one you have with Heavenly Father and Christ.
And know this is all my opinion.
But I have shared with you guys multiple times how terrified I was that when Joseph left I felt like standing on my own would be hard.
-And it has been, but it has been the GREATEST blessing I do not think I am capable of explaining.
My testimony of The Atonement, Prophets, Book of Mormon, My Savior, God, has been elevated so much.
Through study of The Book of Mormon I have determined political views, and morals which will help me stand when the going gets rough.
It's The Book of Mormon that will help you become like Christ and obtain virtue, not a husband.
This topic was obviously for me because I learned so much.
I feel bad ending this post on such a heavy note so it's been really rainy and wet here and I enjoy that.
I stopped running for about a month, then started back up to train with a friend for a race, and phew it's hard getting back into it haha, but I love running!
I went out early Saturday morning and ran up a mountain to see the sunrise, then I laid in the grass for a while pondering.
I know it totally sounds like I wasn't running much, but I ran a lot haha.
I just took advantage of the super peaceful moment and took a break.
Here are some photos I took while running!
Yes, Las Vegas really is just 1 big ol' dust hole.
But I kinda secretly love it.
All my love, Lauren.