Friday, January 3, 2014

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year!
And only 3 days late :)
New Years was a ton of fun. My friends and I were all scrabbling trying to come up with plans of something to do. Our region has a big New Years dance, but we're all getting a little old for that now. Kind of awkward dancing with 14 year olds when you're about ready to graduate ;)
So my friends and I just decided to get together and go out to dinner then show up for the last hour of the dance for fireworks and balloon drop.
The night turned out way better than anticipated :)
Dinner was way fun and the dance wasn't so lame after all!
I'm so bummed I didn't get ANY pictures.
Well, except for this photo strip with my friend ,Justin.
The photo booth was the hit of the night :)
All of my friends took lots of pictures
(How in heck did I not get a strip!?!)
Oh well :) Anyways fun night. Here's a quote from Jake.
Jake: "Do you guys want to go get ice cream?"
Me: "Sure, I don't care. I just don't know where is going to be open on New Years 12:30 in the morning."
Jake: "Oh yea.. Rats.. Hey do you guys want to go to Smiths and just grab a tub of ice cream?"
Me: I don't care! Sure, whatever you want to do sounds good to me!"
Jake: "No lets not do that.. I don't want to go in.."
Me: "Well I bet McDonalds is open"
Jake: "I don't want McDonald's ice cream I want like real real ice cream."
Me: "Do you really want ice cream?"
Me: "Okay then lets get ice cream!!"
Jake: "Nevermind. I don't know what I want. I'm sleepy and I just want to go to bed."
This probably doesn't do it justice haha! Jake is the most laid back and chill person on the face of the planet. You could dye all of his clothes orange and he would say, "Oh shoot everything is orange. Bummer." and still wear it all. (Okay that was a weird example, but you get it)
I don't know, Jake just makes me laugh :)
I'm really glad that it turned out being a fun night because all I have been doing my entire winter break is sewing and cleaning. I needed a fun day :)
Yada yada I know y'all could careless what my New Years Goals are, but this is mostly for me :)
If I tell you guys about them I am more likely to uphold them.
-Be more patient
-Maintain a clean room
-Continue reading scriptures/praying/journaling every night
-Pray on knees
-Never drop below 3.0 GPA
-Get YW Medallion
-Run 2x week minimum no exception
I think that's it :)
All my love, Lauren.

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